How to check daily help attendance from the app?
MyGate provides residents with the option to track the attendance of their daily help. Currently, the platform allows residents to view attendance records for the current month as well as the previous month. Residents can view logs of their daily help's attendance, including records of present and absent days. Additionally, they can mark their daily help as present if they have arrived at the house and can also track whether payment has been made.
Please follow the below steps to check daily help attendance:
1. Click on the Setting option on the top right corner of the screen
2. Click on "Manage" against the "Household Section"
3. Click on the daily help profile.
4. Click on Attendance.
5. Residents can view logs of their daily help's attendance, including records of present and absent days. Additionally, they can mark their daily help as present if they have arrived at the house and can also track whether payment has been made.